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Volunteer Trustees Wanted

As part of our planning and strategic development at The WHY Project, we are seeking new Board trustees to work alongside our existing board in supporting our aims and objectives.    

We are interested in applications from the following:

  • From the local area and/or with an involvement in the work we carry out e.g. a parent/carer or supporter of our work. 

  • An individual with IT skills. 

Who we are looking for:

  • Those who want to help build the aspirations of local young people, and their families, to promote a more inclusive community.

  • Want to support our work to provide a safe environment for young people in South West Edinburgh to explore relevant health, emotional, social and economic issues.

  • People who have an interest in the development of young people in marginalised communities.

  • People with specific skills that can support the charity to grow and develop.  

As a registered charity with the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR).  The WHY Project trustees will have responsibility for the effective governance of the organisation.  They are responsible for the legal, financial and organisational overview of the organisation.


The board supports 2 full time Managers who have day-to-day operational and youth delivery responsibility for the charity.  Meetings take place every 6-8 weeks or, as and, when required.  Meetings are a mix of virtual and face to face (predominately on-line) and last approximately one hour to one and a half hours.

Successful applicants will require to undertake an PVG application process before taking up role – the charity will pay for associated costs and process applications.

Email: to apply.  

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